And so the slump continues…

Yes, I’m Gen X and I’m going to use ellipsis…until…I…die.
It’s a thing going around, ignore me.

And just like that, I have a musing. What’s your grammar hack that you refuse to give up?
I discovered ellipsis years ago and, just like commas, I overuse them. Oxford commas are my friend and you can’t have those either. As is the cursed two spaces between periods.
At least on that, I am trying. But it’s hard.

In my writing, in my review posts, even when I’m writing this blog, I am the self proclaimed queen of commas. To the point that one of my beta readers, for a lark, threw one of my stories into a system that will read aloud for you, and the computer voice ran out of breath. My Word document editor now asks if I would like to add a period to some of my works.
When you…I don’t know…have been writing for so long, you get into practice that should probably be updated. Professionally, I have three different editing programs I run my stuff through so if one program misses it, one of the others won’t. And even then, I’ll miss something.
Personally, I just write. So you get way too many commas, ellipsis, and I forget to add periods to things. And those cursed two spaces (which drives my millennial beta reader up the wall. I love you Hannah!)
It’s short and sweet this week. What’s your grammar hack that they can pry from your cold, dead, hands? Are you trying to be better? How many of you still hit that space bar twice after a period?
Help a Mouse out here, I can’t be the only one.

Spring is here and with it, thunderstorm season. Or as someone told me offhandedly once, the perfect time to read a book and I can’t agree more. So stay dry friends, and curl up with a good book.

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