Wicked Games

It’s been a while since I’ve done a comic or graphic novel. I promised more this year and this is the first of my promise.
The Wicked & The Divine is the first of those. Written by Kieron Gillen and art by Jamie McKelvie, the story revolves around twelve gods that return as young people. They are universally loved and hated. They only live two years and then they die only to return every 90 years.

The story ends (and begins on December 31st 1923 then picks back up on January 1st 2014 in the UK. A young woman names Laura has followed all of the new gods at their performances. She’s at Amaterasu’s concert where she falls under a spell and wakes to meet Lucifer who takes her backstage to meet the young God who is doing an interview with a journalist named Cassandra. While there, people shoot at the room and both the gods and humans inside. And from there, it all goes downhill.
To help Luci, Laura goes on a journey to find help from the other Gods to convince Ananke, the eldest of the gods there, to plead Lucifer’s case.

This entire story is only book one in a series. I wasn’t sure what to expect, the blurb on the back of the novel sounded interesting and the artwork is so colorful and transcendent. The story. There are so many twists and turns that one never really knows where it’s going. I did not expect the twist ending of this chapter. Either of them. Now I need to find book two to figure out what’s happening in the further adventures of Laura and her entanglement with these twelve gods. Because she is now entangled. I don’t want to spoil anything, because I wasn’t expecting what happened, but this chapter is mostly dedicated to building up Laura’s story and her interactions with Lucifer. It’s an interesting twist of a story and I’m curious to see what happens in later books. This is an older graphic novel, published in 2014 so all of the chapters should be out by now. 
I’m still looking for the other books for this. I might have to go through the local library to get them.
Another week has passed friends. Spring is officially here and this weekend brings a bunny carrying chocolates to many houses. If you’re one who celebrates, may your Easter be nice and fully of ham and chocolate. If not, happy Sunday. But also go out and get some chocolate.
While you’re digesting, take time to curl up with a good book.

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